Drawing Supplies Required for First Class
Charcoal: Box of Medium Vine or Willow
Kneaded Eraser
Strathmore Charcoal Pad, 18" x 24"
Sennilier, Delacroix spray fixative
Paper Towels
Oil Paints Required Week 5
Professional Oils Only For students 8 and up
Choose from Rembrandt Oils, Lafranc & Bourgeois,
Windsor & Newton Professional, and Rowney Professional
Burnt Sienna (36ML)
Raw Umber (36ML)
Viridian Green (36ML)
Alizarin Crimson (36ML)
Ultramarine Blue (36ML)
Titanium White (120ML)
Cadmium Lemon Yellow (36ML)
Cadmium Orange (36ML)
Cadmium Red (36ML)
Yellow Ochre (36ML)
Raw Sienna (36ML)
Painting Supplies Required Week 5
12" x 16" Wood Palette (or larger) or Gray Paper Palette
Metal Palette Knife
Quart of Odorless Turpenoid
Linseed Oil - 2.5 oz
Oil & Turpentine Cups (medium or large)
Stretched Canvas, 20" x 24"
Paint Box (optional)
Brushes Required Week 5
Robert Simmons or Windsor Newton Oil Bristle Brushes
40B Series Bristle Bright: Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12
Kolinsky Sable Bright Brushes
65B Series Sable: Sizes 1, 3, 5, and 8